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Snapshot, 1972: Touch the bull, sleep with the fishes...

As a Capo in the Mafia, you’re rightfully proud of your new company car – a Lamborghini Miura, in gold no less. So much so, that you certainly don’t want anyone to touch it or, worse still, steal it at the 1972 Can-Am round at Watkins Glen….

‘The Glen’ might be a four-hour drive away from New York City, but it’s still worth reminding people who this Lamborghini belongs to. Yes, the polite warning note left on the Miura’s steering wheel is most probably a friendly joke, but if someone has the confidence to leave their Lamborghini untended with the windows down at such a busy event, perhaps it veils a not-so-friendly message – a threat even? Regardless, we’ll say kudos to the chap who so tastefully specified the car, and promptly be on our way.

Photo: Rainer W. Schlegelmilch via Getty Images

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