All aboard...
In a special exhibition, a variety of period racing transporters were assembled in the paddock at the Le Mans Classic, much to the adulation of the enthusiastic public – many of whom remember seeing these circuit staples back in the day. The vehicles served not only as transportation, however, but also as hubs around which an entire team would operate. Remember there was no telemetry or palatial hospitality suites in those days. We particularly enjoyed the earlier examples such as the Shelby’s Fiat ‘Bartoletti’ or the Ecurie Ecosse Commer-based contraption, which teased their precious cargo for the world to see – just imagine passing one of these fully loaded beasts on the road in the 1950s. Abundant in charm and nostalgia, they came to epitomise their respective eras of motorsport almost as much as the cars, and we’re sure they’ll stick in the memories of those lucky enough to see them over the weekend.
Photos: Rémi Dargegen for Classic Driver © 2016